How to give your clients confidence to return to your beauty clinic after Covid-19

At these uncertain times, we are all nervous and unsure of what the future holds. It’s crazy that even though we are in isolation which has a terrible impact on our wellbeing we are still wanting to feel our best. Like myself I have noticed my skin not looking as healthy it feels dull and tired from only leaving the house one hour a day for exercise. My nails feel brittle, I need my waxing done so wish I had invested in laser hair removal now …
All my permanent Makeup needs refreshing. I need my roots doing and I could go on forever.

So I know exactly how my clients feel and I also know I have a waiting list that I will be booking in as soon as we get the go-ahead from the government.

You would be surprised how many people ask if they can still have a treatment apart from the seriousness of the Covid-19 some people don’t realise that we are not insured to do any treatments so in effect it would be illegal to do the treatment.

I’ve been thinking long and hard about making sure my clinic @ginacollins_cp and training academy @ginacollins_ca is compliant and ready ensuring the perfect sterile safe place to come.

We have always had the strictest health & hygiene standards in our place of work. Treatments and training that we provide our trainers and therapists are fully qualified with government regulated qualifications. All our staff and students are updating with this fabulous qualification in infection control to give you the confidence to book in as soon as we are open.

Can’t wait to see everyone again soon 😊

Improve Your Infection Control Skills. This course is tailored to those working in Tattoo Parlours.

Recommendations already in place at Gina Collins Beauty Clinic & Training Academy

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): With the understanding that PPE is often not worn properly, will be in very short supply moving forward and will likely become very costly; we make the following recommendations:

• Masks: Licensees should wear masks as a safety measure when providing a service. These masks can be disposable or cloth and must be disposed of or washed properly as required by the CDC. Disposable masks should be made available to the patron and may only be used for a single customer. Even in the presence of Plexiglas partitions, a mask must be worn by the licensee.
• Gloves: It is not a recommendation to require gloves. When gloves are worn for infection control purposes, they must be changed with each service and that volume alone would be difficult to manage. Gloves worn all day, become more troublesome than no gloves at all. It is recommended that licensees be more adherent to the existing rules regarding hand washing after and before each service. It is further recommended that the licensee washes hands in front of the patron if the opportunity exists.
• There are two exceptions where gloves are recommended – nail services and facial services. Gloves are to be worn for only a single service and hands washed thoroughly after they are removed.
• Gowns: There is no recommendation to wear gowns at this time. Due to the nature of this transmission, the wearing of gowns does not offer additional significant protection and is both expensive and uncomfortable.

Hand Hygiene: Proper hand hygiene is documented to be an essential action to reduce the spread of viral illness. All states require some form of hand hygiene (washing or hand sanitizer) before and after service. It is recommended that these rules be more strictly enforced and acknowledged that hand washing is the preferred method of hand hygiene and it should be done as frequently as possible, but always after eating, smoking and using the restroom. Hand sanitizer should be made available for all patrons and required before a nail service.
Customer Interactions: The following recommendations reduce the number of patrons in a business at a single time and limit interactions that could be of risk.

Appointments: All services must be scheduled with adequate time in between appointments to properly clean and disinfect. Employers should be held accountable for allowing their employees to have enough time to allow for proper disinfection without repercussions. Patrons should be asked to wait outside or in their cars until they are called for their appointment. Appointments should be staggered to avoid multiple people in the waiting areas.

Double Booking: This should not be done unless each patron can be left in a single chair throughout the process and distancing measures maintained. Limiting the movement of patrons throughout the business reduces risk to both patrons and staff.

Handshaking is not allowed!

Payments: Cashless payment systems are preferred, but not required. If Point of Sale (POS) equipment is used and a patron must sign or enter a PIN, the equipment must be disinfected after each use.
Thermometers: The use of thermometers for temperature scanning is optional. A fever only indicates someone who is already symptomatic and likely knows that. The goal is to treat all patrons (many of whom may be asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic) as though they are sick.
Signage: Signage should be posted that states services will not be offered to or given by anyone who is sick or exhibiting signs of illness. Patrons should be asked before service if they have been sick or exposed to someone who is sick. If so, services should be deferred for 10-14 days.

Distancing: It is acknowledged that social distancing recommendations of 6 feet cannot be met in the actual service itself. However, the following distancing measures can be instituted to reduce risk:

• If chairs are situated such that the patrons are closer than 6 feet – every other chair should be used or chairs staggered if possible.
• There should be no more than 10 people in the business at any time (including staff) until those recommendations have been lifted by your state.
• Break rooms should be temporarily closed
• Waiting area chairs should be removed or spaced in such a manner to accommodate social distancing requirements
Disinfection: All states currently require the cleaning and disinfection of non-porous implements before use and the disposal of porous implements after a single-use. Both of these practices should be vigorously adhered to and the following recommendations added:
• Disinfection of high touch areas including, but not limited to:
• Door handles on main entrance and restrooms
• Restrooms
• Reception desk
• Point of Sale (POS) equipment
• Stations (including foot/nail drying stations)
• Displays
Items to be temporarily Disallowed: Some items that currently are commonplace in these environments should be removed or moved:
• Public coffee or water stations
• Magazines/ books / newspapers
• Candy dishes
• Product testers/samples

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